Cloud-based Threat Hunting as a Service vs Traditional Threat Hunting as a Service

January 28, 2022

Cloud-based Threat Hunting as a Service vs Traditional Threat Hunting as a Service

As cyber threats become more sophisticated, organizations have to step up their security posture to protect their valuable data. One of the ways they can do that is by outsourcing their threat hunting services to a Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP). In the past, MSSPs would deploy a team to scan through the organization's logs and look for potential threats. However, with the rise of cloud computing, we see the emergence of cloud-based threat hunting as a service. In this blog post, we'll compare cloud-based threat hunting as a service with traditional threat hunting as a service.

Traditional Threat Hunting as a Service

Traditional threat hunting as a service involves deploying a team to examine an organization's network logs, endpoint logs, and other security event sources manually. They look for anomalies and potential threats, which they then investigate further. This process can be time-consuming, and it requires knowledgeable staff to handle the data. Investigating incidents can take several weeks, and teams can struggle to keep up with the incoming data.

Cloud-based Threat Hunting as a Service

Cloud-based threat hunting as a service is a newer approach to threat hunting services. This approach uses AI and machine learning algorithms to automate the threat hunting process. The algorithms can flag anomalies, automatically investigate them, and provide the organization with insights into potential threats. This approach is faster than traditional threat hunting as a service and enables organizations to stay on top of their security posture.

Comparison of the two approaches

Category Cloud-based Threat Hunting as a Service Traditional Threat Hunting as a Service
Time to implement Faster Slower
Response time Faster Slower
Accuracy Higher Lower
Cost Higher Lower

Time to implement

Cloud-based threat hunting as a service requires less time to implement since there's no need to deploy a team to investigate the logs manually. Traditional threat hunting as a service can take several days, weeks, and even months to implement.

Response time

Cloud-based threat hunting as a service enables teams to detect and respond to threats faster than traditional threat hunting as a service. Since AI and machine learning algorithms can flag anomalies and investigate them automatically, it takes less time to investigate incidents.


Cloud-based threat hunting as a service has a higher accuracy rate since the algorithms can detect potential threats faster and with greater precision. Traditional threat hunting as a service, on the other hand, requires human intervention, which can lead to errors and missed threats.


Cloud-based threat hunting as a service is more expensive than traditional threat hunting as a service. While the cost of traditional threat hunting as a service is associated with hiring knowledgeable staff to handle the data manually, the cost of cloud-based threat hunting as a service is associated with the technology involved.


Cloud-based threat hunting as a service and traditional threat hunting as a service each have their strengths and weaknesses. However, when it comes down to it, cloud-based threat hunting as a service is generally more effective in terms of response time and accuracy. While it may be more expensive to implement, the benefits of faster detection and response times make it worth considering for organizations looking to improve their security posture.


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